The Truth About Body Fat Percentages
Fat has a bad rap in society today. Fat is viewed as the black sheep of the essential nutrients. This has gotten people to be deathly scared of it; everything is low-fat or non-fat now-a-days. In fact some cut it out of their diet completely. Not good. Fat as I said earlier is an essential nutrient used for many bodily functions, such as temperature regulation (insulation), lubrication for the joints, and mainly it is used as energy for our everyday low intensity actions (i.e. sitting, walking, breathing, living).
Water or Coke?
This is really an eye opener…Water or Coke?
We all know that water is important but, I’ve never seen it written down like this before.
Nutritional Guidelines for Gaining Lean Muscle
There any explosive athlete on this earth that could benefit from excess body fat over a strong, powerful, lean muscle structure. For many physically demanding sports such as football, basketball, baseball, soccer, lacrosse, and hockey, it is necessary to maintain energy levels for intense activity. Lack of proper nutrition can bring forth negative symptoms such as fatigue, lack of recovery, cramping, and even increased risk of injury. In supplementation to strength and performance training, a proper diet is needed to support the energy requirements of practice, competition and training.